<897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 526/526 Maxim tells the clan 'I guess I'll have to go to ofcol' <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 526/526 ct should i kill darrack...hes in ofcal atm Ishh tells the clan 'should i kill darrack...hes in ofcal' <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 526/526 d s Sneaking.. A Circular Chamber [Exits: north east south west up down] This chamber is completely circular with exits all around it. There are five exits in almost every direction possible. The chanting flows down the stairway leading up. The walls are made of black marble and are very smooth to the touch. The floor is made of carefully crafted dwarven stone. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 524/526 u Sneaking.. [+] Entryway to the Imperium [Exits: north down] Welcome to the clan hall of the clan known as Imperium. The hallway stretches towards the north and from this direction you hear chanting. It most likely leads to the healer of this place. Many great assassins have entered unto these halls during the time since it was built. Many more will most likely follow in their place. On the east wall hangs a sign. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 522/526 Maxim tells the clan 'nod' You have recovered enough to cast clairvoyance again. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 526/526 d s Alas, you cannot go that way. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 526/526 Sneaking.. Dark Hallway [Exits: north south up] You are in a dark hallway. Above you is a portal, and to the south is more of the hallway. North of you is a shimmering portal that radiates magical energy. Just above the portal to the north you see a glowing set of scales. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 524/526 u Maxim tells the clan 'go for it' <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 524/526 s s Sneaking.. Dark Hallway [Exits: north east west up] You are under the temple in a dark, musty hallway. The hallway runs east, west and north from here, and up to the temple altar. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 522/526 s s Sneaking.. [+] By the Temple Altar [Exits: north south down] You are by the temple altar in the northern end of the Temple of Midgaard. A huge altar made from white polished marble is standing in front of you and behind it is a ten foot tall sitting statue of Odin, the King of the gods. You cannot help but notice a beautiful shiny golden plaque on the chest of the statue. A small sign stands to the side of the altar telling you of the healer's abilities. A pit for donations is in front of the altar. Bedevere will fart on you, if u get too close is resting here. (White Aura) A healer is here. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 Sneaking.. The Temple Of Midgaard [Exits: north south up] You are in the southern end of the temple hall in the Temple of Midgaard. The temple has been constructed from giant marble blocks, eternal in appearance, and most of the walls are covered by ancient wall paintings picturing gods, giants and peasants. Large steps lead down through the grand temple gate, descending the huge mound upon which the temple is built and ends on the temple square below. Equally large steps lead UP through a small door into the ENTRANCE to MUD SCHOOL. (type 'up' to go to MUD SCHOOL.) It is here that one can change his/her hometown with the Executioner. A small plaque is on this wall. Someone just extracted this half-digested bee from a bird's stomach. (White Aura) Torrance is Count Blah. is here, bouncing on their toes left and right. (White Aura) The Executioner stands here, keeping the peace. The Executioner eyes you suspiciously. The Executioner states 'I'll have no trouble from you in my city assassin.' <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 c enhance Sneaking.. The Temple Square [Exits: north east south up] You are standing on the temple square. Huge marble steps lead up to the temple gate. The old Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east. Just south of here you see the market square, the center of Midgaard. A fountain made of pure white marble stands here in the square gushing out crystal clear water. (Hide) A thief, all dressed in black. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 Sneaking.. Market Square [Exits: north east south west] You are standing on the market square, the famous Square of Midgaard. A large, peculiar looking statue is standing in the middle of the square. Roads lead in every direction, north to the temple square, south to the intersection, east and westbound is the main street. An angelic statue carved from white marble, at its base you notice an inscription. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 ct sounds good to me Sneaking.. The Intersection of Guild Row [Exits: north east south west] This is a bustling intersection of people, some looking for knowledge others searching for guidance. On Guild Row you will find your master, who will offer safe haven to those loyal to their discipline. To the north you hear the sounds of voices from the market square, to the south more of the same in the common square. To the east you feel a strong magical presence, and to the west you can smell the sweat of hard work. An alley cat hisses at you. A cityguard stands here. The cityguard looks at you. The cityguard wonders if you are among the most wanted. <897/782hp> <1124/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 You motion toward yourself. You feel stronger. <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 s w w s Ishh tells the clan 'sounds good to me' <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 Sneaking.. The Common Square [Exits: north east south west] The common square, people pass you, talking to each other. To the west is the poor alley and to the east is the dark alley. To the north, this square is connected to the market square. From the south you notice a nasty smell. <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 Sneaking.. Eastern End of Poor Alley [Exits: north east south west] You are at the poor alley. South of here is the Grubby Inn and to the east you see common square. To the north is the Casino. The alley continues further west. A janitor is walking around, cleaning up. <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 splice die psy psy psy psy psy psy Sneaking.. Poor Alley [Exits: north east south west] You are in a narrow alley leading east and west. To your north lies the leather shop and to the south the travel agency where one may purchase passage to many far away places. A beggar is here, asking for a few coins. <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 s c has Sneaking.. The Travel Agency [Exits: north] You've stepped into a busy room, filled with people waiting to speak with the travel agent. A mysterious looking portal glows faintly at the back of the room. The Travel Guide lies open on the counter displaying the destinations available and costs. (White Aura) Lyle the Travel Agent is here awaiting his next customer Lyle the Travel Agent asks 'Welcome to my agency, where would you like to go?' Lyle the Travel Agent says 'Please take a look at the travel GUIDE for a complete list' Lyle the Travel Agent says 'of destinations and prices' Lyle the Travel Agent says 'We aim to please' Lyle the Travel Agent smirks at your saying. <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 You are not skilled enough to manage more then one splice. <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 Alas, you cannot go that way. <897/782hp> <1115/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 You motion toward yourself. You start moving faster. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <89857gold> <-145align> 521/526 give 3000 coins ly where w w You give Lyle the Travel Agent some gold. OK. Lyle the Travel Agent exclaims 'Thank you, enjoy the sites of Ofcol!' A Hallway in the Golden Citadel [Exits: north east south west up] You are in a hallway of the Golden Citadel. Gold tiles cover the floor, and rich golden tapestries drape the walls. Servants in golden livery quietly pass by you. Exits are in the cardinal directions, with the east leading toward the Temple of Ofcol and west leading toward the rest of the city. Large steps lead UP through a small door into the ENTRANCE to MUD SCHOOL (type 'up' to go to MUD SCHOOL). It is here that one can change his/her hometown with the Peacekeeper. (White Aura) Lyle the Travel Agent is here awaiting his next customer (White Aura) The Peacekeeper is here, keeping the peace. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 521/526 Players near you: Ishh A Hallway in the Golden Citadel (pk) Darrack Dirt Road <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 521/526 Sneaking.. Inside the Entrance to the Golden Citadel [Exits: east west] You are inside the entrance to the Golden Citadel. Rich golden tapestries line the walls, and golden tiles cover the floors. The exit to this citadel is to the west, while the citadel itself is to the east. An Ofcol cityguard is posted here to guard the gate. An Ofcol cityguard is posted here to guard the gate. An Ofcol cityguard is posted here to guard the gate. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 519/526 Sneaking.. Outside the Entrance to the Golden Citadel [Exits: east west] You are outside the entrance to the Golden Citadel. A great gate is to to the east, marking the entranceway into the citadel. The road also leads back west to Raff Way. A girl is here, playing jump jacks and other kids' games. An Ofcol cityguard is posted here to guard the gate. An Ofcol cityguard is posted here to guard the gate. An Ofcol cityguard is posted here to guard the gate. Jacklyn, Captain of the Citadel Guard, is here bringing her soldiers' morale up. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 w Sneaking.. Raff Way [Exits: east west] You are on Raff Way. Raff Way continues west to the city of Ofcol. To the east, you see Raff Way continuing toward the Golden Citadel. There are beautiful flowers growing along the road here, making this more of a garden than a road. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 w w Sneaking.. Raff Way [Exits: north east west] You are on Raff Way. To the west, you can see a big intersection. To the east, you see Raff Way continuing toward the Golden Citadel. There are beautiful flowers growing along the road here, making this more of a garden than a road. To the north is the magic shop. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 s Sneaking.. The Big Intersection [Exits: north east south west] You are in the big intersection between Raff Way and Impy Way. Crowds of people walk past you as they go on their daily tasks. Raff Way continues east and west, and Impy Way runs north and south. An ATM machine is here for your use. (White Aura) Diana, the Marshall of Ofcol, stands here proudly. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 s Sneaking.. Impy Way [Exits: north east south west] You are on Impy Way. You can see a leather shop to the east and a blacksmith to the west. To the north you see a big intersection, and Impy Way continues south. The steaming turds of the Ofcol cityguard assail your nostrils. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 s Sneaking.. Impy Way [Exits: north east south west] You are on Impy Way. To the east is a meat store, and to the west is a pawn shop. Impy Way continues north and south. People are rushing around you to go to these stores. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 s Sneaking.. Impy Way [Exits: north east south west] You are on Impy Way. To the east is Farmer's Market, and to the west is Nyles' House of Ale. Impy Way runs north and ends south of here. You can hear the sound of housewives gossiping at the market. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 Sneaking.. The End of Impy Way [Exits: north east west] You are at the end of Impy Way. To the east is a dirt road leading toward the farm animals. West of here are some fields. Impy Way continues north. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 e Info> Maxim has raised a level!! <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 518/526 Sneaking.. A Dirt Road [Exits: east south west] You are on a dirt road. To the east is a large building with a bad smell emanating from it. To the west is the end of Impy Way, and this road continues south. A handsome red rooster walks around here. A handsome red rooster walks around here. A young horse is here, grazing. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 517/526 s Sneaking.. Dirt Road [Exits: north east west] You are on a dirt road. To the east is a barn, and you see a big chicken coop south of you. The dirt road continues north and west. (Glows) You see a campfire on the ground here, giving off a warm glow. (White Aura) Darrack BloodFist is sleeping here. A cow is here, munching on grass. <897/782hp> <1095/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 515/526 die darrack You release energies from your temporal field. Your injustice has angered the Gods! *** You are now a KILLER!! *** Your psychic crush .:WASTES:. Darrack! <120> You release energies from your temporal field. Your psychic crush MAULS Darrack! <139> You release energies from your temporal field. Your psychic crush WASTES Darrack! <101> You release energies from your temporal field. Your psychic crush WASTES Darrack! <112> You release energies from your temporal field. Your psychic crush WASTES Darrack! <102> [You: Perfect][Victim: Covered in Blood] <897/782hp> <1010/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 515/526 die darrack Darrack prays for transportation! Your hit misses Darrack. <0> Your incredible speed allows you an extra attack! Your hit wounds Darrack. <44> Darrack parries your attack! You dodge Darrack's attack! You dodge Darrack's attack! Darrack's pierce misses you. <0> [You: Perfect][Victim: Covered in Blood] <891/782hp> <1010/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 515/526 You release energies from your temporal field. Your psychic crush .:WASTES:. Darrack! <115> You release energies from your temporal field. Your psychic crush .:WASTES:. Darrack! <120> You release energies from your temporal field. Your psychic crush .:WASTES:. Darrack! <125> Darrack is DEAD!! Info> Darrack killed by Ishh! They aren't here. They aren't here. <891/782hp> <959/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 515/526 The young horse arrives from the east. <891/782hp> <959/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 515/526 l in corpse Info> Maxim has raised a level!! <891/782hp> <959/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 515/526 Corpse of Darrack contains: (Glows) the golden egg (Invis) (Hums) a black-hilted sword called "Shieldbreaker" ( 2) a silver-colored wristlet the Belt of Legends (Glows) the head of a berserker a scarred, heavily patched backpack (Glows) horseshoes (Glows) a steel torq (Illusion) the cloak of darkness a linen robe a ship a mud school diploma ( 2) a silver choker a pair of bifocals a brass box ( 3) a buffalo water skin an iron sphere the strongman's bracers red dragonscale leggings a shield (Hums) a bent ring ( 2) (Glows) a multicolored turtle shell a necklace of Illithid organs granite bracers an opal ring (20) a big pot pie some gold coins <891/782hp> <959/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 515/526 The sun rises in the east. The Waxing Half Moon has left the sky. <891/782hp> <1039/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 526/526 get coins corpse You cannot carry that many items. The young horse leaves west. <891/782hp> <1039/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 526/526 The cow leaves east. <891/782hp> <1039/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 526/526 get illithid corpse I see nothing like that in the corpse. <891/782hp> <1039/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 526/526 where Players near you: Ishh Dirt Road <891/782hp> <1039/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 526/526 ct all yours Ishh tells the clan 'all yours' <891/782hp> <1039/1118ma> <8080186exp> <86857gold> <-145align> 526/526 i You are carrying: (Invis) ulmo's cape (Hums) the Gauntlets of the Lanttu (Glows) a multicolored turtle shell ( 3) (Invis) ring of the undead (Invis) (Glows) the ring of knowledge ( 3) a pair of ornately designed gauntlets (Hums) the humanteeth necklace (Hums) gauntlets of ogre power a pair of wool pants the strongman's bracers ( 2) (Glows) a small jar of pale glowing fish ( 5) a runed wristlet a wizard's peaked cap ( 2) a pair of snailskin breeches (Hums) an icy girth ( 2) (Glows) the wyvern claws (Glows) "Silver Moon" ( 2) a Wooden Bracelet ( 3) a gnarled staff (Glows) a smoke ring (Glows) (Hums) the Ring of Magic Resistance some talon extenders a ring of protection a pristine white robe (Glows) (Hums) the eldergirl's snake whip a silvery knife the boots of the fire demon ( 3) a buffalo water skin ( 2) a bag a fine silk belt a pair of fine knee pants (Glows) a sharp saber ( 2) a poultice of detection some demonhide breeches the magic boots (Glows) a cup a silver earring and nose chain ( 2) (Glows) a brooch of life the grendel's skin Info> Maxim has raised a level!!